Thought we'd start a little blog of shots of us out in SXSW, being our first time in the states. Unfortunately Mem couldn't make it out with us as he had a few delays with his visa ( all sorted now ) so a friend of our Hayden drove down from LA to fill in, and did a fucking awesome job too.

They were handing these out at the Stone Temple Pilots show, the koosies not the beers, both made the whole thing more tolerable.

We got this for Mem to say we missed him ( not just this, we're not that tight ) and the ungrateful bugger hasn't eaten it yet.
We'll just keep adding to these, some really cool ones, some really stupid.
Doesn't look right without Membo being there.
They were handing these out at the Stone Temple Pilots show, the koosies not the beers, both made the whole thing more tolerable.
We got this for Mem to say we missed him ( not just this, we're not that tight ) and the ungrateful bugger hasn't eaten it yet.
We don't endorse violence, death, any of that shit, but the fact remains that you put an assault rifle in a young mans hands and suddenly you feel like you're either :
Danny Dyer ( Gaz )
Leon ( Jag )
Grizzly Adams ( Andy )
Lord Byron ( Tom )
Just can't be helped.
Oh, we played a show or two as well. More of this coming, still collecting photos.
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